April 1, 2015
News That You Can Use
Ace Electronic Manifest Filings: Mandatory Filing: May 1, 2015!
US Customs and Border Protection commended those that have already initiated transition by filing entries or entry summaries in ACE (Automated Commercial Environment). CBP has also notified all parties that the mandatory filing date for ACE electronic manifest filings of May 1 is quickly approaching and more following soon after! The time has arrived for filers to prepare to transition to ACE! JAS has jumped on the bandwagon EARLY and we are now processing ALL allowable entries to be filed in the ACE system!!
For more information please view the Official Federal Register!
Customs Broker License Examination : April 2015
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will conduct the Customs Broker License Examination on Monday April 13, 2015. Good luck to all sitting for the exam!
Read More on the examination at the CBP Website!
Centers Of Excellence And Expertise (Cee) Now Has 10 Locations!
The transition to the new Centers of Excellence and Expertise is a fundamental change to the CBP organization and has a dramatic impact on importers! There are exciting benefits provided to importers that voluntarily participate in the Customs Centers of Excellence Program for commodities of one of the locations. Contact compliance@jas.com today for more information on how to become a participant with CBP!

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